
The official UNT-NABJ website is an online media platform that is managed, edited, and written for and by African-American students at the University of North Texas. We are dedicated to recognizing and supporting the interests of the community by covering a variety of topics, including news, music, celebrities, and entertainment. Our mission is to provide an outlet that both accurately represents our culture and entertains readers.

We provide weekly updates for the organization and welcome all newcomers as they begin their journey in journalism. Our events, meetings, and social gatherings will all be documented here.

With the audience being both our classmates and friends, the readers are our peers. We aim to capture their attention and revitalize a part of our campus that is greatly ignored. The goal is to create conversation and interact with the students, while giving them something to think about, to laugh about and to share.

NABJ is committed to the following:

  • Strengthening ties among black journalists;
  • Sensitizing all media to the importance of fairness in the workplace for black journalists;
  • Expanding job opportunities and recruiting activities for veteran, young and aspiring black journalists, while providing continued professional development and training;
  • Increasing the number of black journalists in management positions and encouraging black journalists to become entrepreneurs;
  • Fostering an exemplary group of professionals that honors excellence and outstanding achievements by black journalists, and outstanding achievement in the media industry as a whole, particularly when it comes to providing balanced coverage of the black community and society at large;
  • Working with high schools and colleges to identify and encourage black students to become journalists, and to diversify faculties and related curriculum; and
  • Providing informational and training services to the general public.